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Become Herbalife Distributor Malaysia only need 98 RM.

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If you have the desire to change your life and become financially stable while working from home, then we can help! As you have seen in the success stories, thousands of other people just like you have successfully taken this next step. The reason they succeeded was that they were SERIOUS about change.

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Become Herbalife Distributor Malaysia RM98.00

Looking for an opportunity to make some extra income? Interested in working from home? Could you use a few extra hundred dollars each month? How about a few thousand?
This IS NOT a get rich quick scheme. But, if you are willing to work 5 to 10 hours a week out of your own home or office, are serious and teachable, then this is the opportunity you have been looking for. We urgently need independent enterprising people from all nationalities to work locally and abroad assisting with our worldwide expansion. We require self-motivated people who want to earn extra income working independently in their spare time. You work when you want and set your own hours.
To become a Herbalife distributor Malaysia, you need to purchase an "Herbalife International Business Pack (IBP)."
The International Business Pack contains everything you need to start your Herbalife business.

You will get a personal ID number that you will use to order product directly from Herbalife at wholesale prices. As a Herbalife distributor you can:
Immediate Retail Profit (25% - 50%)
Daily Wholesale Profit (up to 25%)

Purchase directly from Herbalife by phone order, fax in or email

Qualify for Special Vacation & Training Events
You can work your Herbalife business from home - and on the Internet: Build a thriving international business. You can sell 24 hours a day, every day on the Internet. Plus you can earn extra income from every person you sign up! Sales volume in all countries is combined for qualifications and bonus payments, making the Herbalife Business Opportunity the premier international sales and marketing plan in the direct-sales industry. Click here to know more about Work From Home System.